Does it ever occur to you that everything is falling apart? Your morning coffee gets spilled ,you are lacking an ironed shirt, your son refuses to put on his shoes, the streets are full of traffic, an important client meeting is forgotten, you mistake your parent-teacher conference time… and you just pray to survive the rest of the day. Sounds familiar? Each one of us has their own version of a nightmare like this, that trims our belief of achieving a work-life balance.
According to Sheryl Sandberg (Facebook current
1. Less than two minutes? Do it NOW.
2. Know your priorities? That makes it easy!
3. Delegate as much as you can.
4. Chill out with this perfectionism.
5. Relax.
What do you think so far? Do some of the tips sound
Less than two minutes? Do it NOW
During the day there are tens of errands which fall upon us – we have to buy cocoa for the birthday cake, take a book for Sonia, send a recipe to our mum, pay for the school trip, return some shoes to Zalando, sign up for swimming lessons, send an e-mail to an ex-colleague… Instead of spending time on writing these tasks down in your notepad, phone or your head – just do them. The method is simple: if a specific task takes less than two minutes (you have to be honest here!), do it immediately instead of scheduling it for later (or forgetting!).
Know your priorities? That makes it easy!
Does it seem like you are not really sure what is
Delegate as much as you can
If you’re giving 150% on one front, call for support on the other one. How does it work in real life? It’s very simple! A meeting at work got extended? Ok, let’s order dinner in instead of cooking. Research becomes too time-consuming? Talk to your boss about hiring a part-time intern. No chance to clean the house in time for Saturday’s party? Consider hiring help at home for a couple of hours. Do not try to do everything yourself, you cannot delegate your sleep to anybody and these all-nighters will rear its ugly head sooner or later. Be cool and ask for help when you need it and not when it’s too late. It doesn’t always feel like common sense but people like to be asked for help once in a while. That makes them feel important and needed – I guess all your scruples have now vanished?
Chill out with this perfectionism
Your team powerpoint has to be substantive, don’t waste your time
Sleep. Meditate. Lie on the sofa. Bake cakes, read books, watch a series. You’re thinking “I don’t have time to relax” – my answer is “find the time” because it seems that you really need it. When you’re relaxed you’re much more productive, focused and effective, and you often finish the task at hand before the deadline. Give it a go!
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