In your BOHO studio you run many classes during which you share your extensive knowledge and experience in the field of dance, movement and body awareness. Please tell me which classes you run are aimed exclusively for women and what do you teach during them?
- Let me start with the fact that during my classes I teach women how to live in harmony with their bodies, how to take care of them and accept them as they are. And it is the “Utanecznione” project that is dedicated exclusively to women. It is conducted both in the form of regular weekly classes and weekend workshops. As part of the workshop I collaborate, among others, with Magda, who then runs her own workshop with essential oils. In this way, we combine different senses and the result is beautiful experiences of participants. On the other hand, the cyclical classes that take place in my BOHO studio (link do studio pod wyrazem “studio”, albo BOHOhttps://bohostudiowroclaw.pl/) refer to the phases of the moon and to cyclicity. During these classes, I use the symbolism of the elements and feminine archetypes known in culture.
We meet every week, and every four weeks we go back to the beginning, start working with the phases of the moon anew. However, each time it is something else, because we change, our environment and the conditions in which we live change. The months and seasons also change.
All these factors translate beautifully into dance. Each of us checks how she is in the opening movement, and how in the closing movement, the movement to herself. Each of us explores what gives her a different element than the one she carries within herself. What gives her an element that she has not experienced yet. We study ourselves, but we also learn from each other. We see mutual development.
Experience and work with an element other than "mine" shows that you can also use the others for yourself. We pass this energy taken from the elements through ourselves, through our body. From class to class it is a process that happens more and more consciously.
How can you connect with your body through dance?
- This is a process that is closely related to learning to be aware of your body. Unfortunately, as we know, Polish culture is far from the body. Fortunately, this is changing, and it is becoming more and more obvious.
For any person, grounding and getting to know her body takes time, self-focus, and the right external environment. We experience such a process during classes that have a specific structure. We start with a circle and an introduction to the topics we will cover. This is the time for the mind to start getting used to and running. Then we move to sedentary movement sequences to continue working in concentration. The movement sequences are quite symbolic and all the women in the circle do the same. We try to connect with our body here, feel it. The structure of the classes is arranged in such a way as to gently but firmly lead the participants to connect with their bodies, to feel it and learn about their needs for the here and now. This is the moment of focusing, stopping and noticing every single part of your body: feet, buttocks, knees, shoulders, fingers, etc. Total focus and sense of the body.
In the daily rush and rush, we often simply forget about our body, as if these individual parts did not exist at all.
Through the movement sequences that we repeat many times, I introduce various movement concepts, the symbolism of the gesture. So as to expand the movement repertoire for each participant, which she can use. Then each woman can modify the movement, check how she can express her intention through it - bodily, tangibly. Movements begin to flow through them. Each of them then tries for themselves what they need at that moment. Does she want to move more dynamically, or calmly, or deeper, more twisted, or does she want to go lower. Each of them checks how they want to do this move in their own way, what this move is about for them.
At the end of the class, we dance a joint choreography based on the sequences developed during the meeting. Classes can also end with an intuitive drawing and we always summarise the whole thing in a circle.
What is femininity for you?
- Femininity for me is cyclical. It is this element that distinguishes us from masculinity. Biologically, men will never experience such a large scale of changes that occur during each cycle in a woman. In women, everything is changeable. This is something that cannot and should not be avoided. We live in the body and if we do not live in harmony with it on a daily basis, we begin to be cut off from what is actually happening in us. And theoretically, it does not affect the woman, but only theoretically. At some point, it will come out what phase the woman is in and what her body is experiencing at the moment.
Whereas, if we accept that we are not unvarying, that we will not be as efficient as we can every day, because it is impossible, then, contrary to appearances, many things will start to fall into place for us. For me, that's the essence of femininity. Accepting that I am cyclical and flowing in my natural rhythm.
I am far from saying that femininity is ascribed to some external attributes, or specific behaviour or appearance. Because each of us is different. Everyone has different needs and this changes at each stage. Each of us is closer to something else, to a different element. In my opinion, external attributes mean little. But it is the cyclicality that is important to me, through which, in spite of appearances, we can be closer to each other. We can learn to listen to what we need at the moment. We start to be able to let go of certain topics, as well as get in better contact with the environment.
This is what femininity is for me, which is unique and unique and different for every woman.
Natalia - she calls herself the dancing sister of Pocahontas - loves to feel the wind in her hair and looks for interconnections in everything.
She is an experienced dance instructor and trainer motivating strongly, but always positively and constructively. She is a choreographer of the Boho Dance Theatre.
In addition to the “Utanecznione” project, Natalia conducts contemporary dance classes, personal trainings and individual body work sessions. In every dimension of her work, the most important thing for her is a holistic view of the body and the human in it.
She treats her profession as a mission, because she knows that the way she conducts classes is important for the well-being of people who participate in them.
She still develops and trains herself, she is not associated with the "only right technique" - she looks at the world holistically.
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